May 9, 2023

Dear colleague,

Next week, Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Pramila Jayapal will introduce the newest versions of the Medicare for All Act in the U.S. House and Senate. We need single-payer supporters like you in every state and every district to call their legislators and demand that they sign on to these important bills.

There are a number of ways to contact your Representative or Senators. You can use the message form on their website, which can be found HERE, or call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Here are some examples of messages you can convey to:

  • Supporters of previous single-payer legislation: “Please continue your support for Medicare for All by signing on to this new bill, which would ensure that everybody in this country has access to free and comprehensive health care.” 
  • Democrats who have not supported single-payer legislation: “Our current system is broken, and half-measures will not fix it. We can’t continue to rely on private insuranceonly improved Medicare for All will provide the lifetime care and financial protection that your constituents need.”
  • Republicans: “Medicare for All is simple, prudent, and proudly American (and supported by a steadily growing number of Republican voters).”

If your federal legislator(s) are newly elected to Congress, let them know that these bills represent the only true solution to our health care crisis and that you—their constituent—expect nothing less.

Attention: DC-area members!

Sen. Sanders will be hosting a Medicare for All Town Hall at the Capitol Visitors Center for health care workers and patients next Tuesday, May 16. If you are able, please attend the town hall and wear your white coat and/or scrubs to show your support! If you plan to attend, you must RSVP HERE. The event starts at 7:30 p.m. but the organizers are asking attendees to arrive between 6:15 and 7:15 p.m. (For members outside the DC area, please note that the town hall will be livestreamed.)

These bills would finally address much of what is wrong with U.S. health care by establishing a truly public national health program that would guarantee comprehensive and genuinely accessible health benefits for everybody.

There is much to celebrate, and much to organize around, when it comes to the Medicare for All Act of 2023. Stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks—in the meantime, let’s get to work!

In solidarity,

Phil Verhoef, M.D., Ph.D.

Physicians for a National Health Program
29 E Madison St Ste 1412 | Chicago, Illinois 60602
312-782-6006 |

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